Happy Birthday to the Big Cheese Alex Rosen. I found you when I was just finishing treatment for fentanyl over a year ago and now I'm actually working for myself and have my own place. You've definitely inspired me to not only work harder and take pride in myself but also have influenced the way I interact with others (I used to be a serial introvert but now I find myself wanting a family and reaching out to friends sometimes). Honestly I think that a big part of this is that I found you at a turning point in my life but I also am pretty sure you were a big part of the reason that became a turning point in my life. You're the only person younger than me that I've ever looked up to. Thanks for working so hard and giving the angry child in me a sense of peace and justice. You're the bomb, and nothing's been the bomb since Hiroshima (Nagasaki if you wanna get technical) @ppoachers
Donald Thompson, the cp buyer pedo we caught at the grocery store in Helena, Montana, has been ARRESTED! An inside source shared with me the arrest was happening today, and Lucas, the head of security at Super1 foods who befriended us after the catch, agreed to rush to Donalds House to get footage of the arrest! THANK YOU LUCAS! Montana is now our 47TH state with an ARREST!
Donalds catch here:
Rhode Island is now our 48th state with an arrest! Will post kenneths arrest record as soon as i get it!
Great news! Hanover sheriffs called us back to the station and had us interview with detectives and turn the video in. The sheriff of Hanover county got wind of us busting Troy earlier, and wanted to get the ball rolling quickly! I anticipate an arrest this week!
Bad news: i have trial all the way in Georgia tomorrow at 10am, so we do not have time for virginia beach tonight, as we were at the sheriffs longer than expected. However, i anticipate a great trial tomorrow!
Alex, today I want to convey a huge THANK YOU to you and the team! NO excuses, NO RERUNS of 100 year old catches in a desperate attempt to stay relevant and visible, NO wining of how cold it is or how desperately MONEY is needed, NO begging for help with the next "trip" (like some others) which is mostly a social outing funded by supporters! Always keeping us in the loop. Posting updates AND PROOF of arrests and convictions! Love you for staying humble, despite your success! You show appreciation to your supporters and we all appreciate that. You keep us laughing with your quirks and unique way of saying and doing things. In short, our GINGER BEAR and team: YOU ALL ROCK! LOVE and appreciate you.