I don't have to ask the groups stance on trans and LGBT shit... But, since we're entering a new period of personal responsibility and character growth: what do you think about polyamory/ swingers? Is it a disgusting degradation of our personal morals that the government should persecute and charge people criminally? Or should we have the freedom to be total degenerates and just fuck 5000 people and have a "polycule"? Personally I think Poly is worse than any trans or LGBT pronoun shit from the past 4 years: it's one half-step above pedophilia. Morals and decency have slipped since the 1960s and the loss of shame in our society. For bonus content I added a reel from Sinnabunny. She's that REALLY ugly poly cunt that's always explaining how her dynamic between her and her other buttass ugly partners work. I personally don't understand how we were told to mask up for 2 years but it's alright to have as many ...