(edited) UPDATES
• PP Illinois is doing his 1st catch today, it will not be live-streamed since it's only 2 people but they expect to have 3 people in a month and will hopefully start live-streaming then
• Alex may have to testify at 2 trials in March (3 & 17)
• Next road trip starts on March 2 and is to Texas, Midwest, Eastcoast, Florida and back to Texas.
PP long Island just did their 2nd catch!
Go sub to their youtube. This is an unlisted link linked only for yall on locals atm.
Eric Grow UPDATE: Pred who traveled from Ohio to Marion IN to meet PP at a hotel sting. Pred thought he was meeting a Pred family with a 9y/o…he cried. Arrested.
1. Wife divorced him. Smart woman
2. Jury trial postponed to May 19, 2025, 1pm
3. Out on $60,000 bond
4. He moved to Fort Wayne IN
5. January 31, 2025 he got his ass EVICTED from his apartment.
WHERE the hell is he ? Too close to my home, previously lived in Grand Rapids MI area. @Boots0904 he is/was in your territory. I don’t trust this fucker. Wonder if he can’t leave the State of IN while out on bond.