Predator Poachers
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Another conviction update

Chris Bowman, the pedo we caught last year in march in chanhassen minnesota, has been convicted! Sentenced to 60 days county jail, and rso time! His video here:

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20 shirts left:

Misspoke, podcast w/ cwdat dropping next week, will share then!

Buenos noches on the job

The mexicans are fast asleep on the way to the aquatic capital of the world, flint.


375 for 8 ik it’s bitch weight but 1am. Ments


In the spirit of gearing up for the trip starting the 9th.........Please give a hearty PP locals welcome to another HUGE wave of new Membairs!! Thank you for supporting Alex and the team. I can assure you it is money well spent, not just for saving/protecting kids but also for the entertainment value! Be prepared to have your hair blown back folks.

@HeritageSeeds @Dobie88 @Soulreaper90 @Sugarwolfkane @depressedbuzzard @coltonhartt @beezus84 @rptrussell @RichardGrinder @Blueroofbandit @Kyd17 @Redo23 @Wkostelnik @JayWDaSwitch @Milkorus @Comrade23 @Pancho762 @TacoPowered @Spadan21388 @BigRed265 @Milkorus @Banksy420 @KodaB
@Batcitygaming @RosenHasRisen97 @Joesbloggs @Tsonak @cj493 @LuxFux @BlueMariTV @MEXl @xShud @BMWKingOC @RockoStar @MrBukakke @Taynicole4334 @himynameis-angie @GLOCKMANE666 @Brn447 @televators @Emchillwave @AndrewWiggin @Alexander2024 @justghra @Ferndale86 @Vanseb @eldenpeen @ZwDz @Flexikan @efgli354235 @Mitcheljk97 @Slank82 @Bigj8919 @NICNAX1 @PJBoogie @mG187 @6Starr

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Today I had to ban a man on the Matthew's Watch Discord Server by the name of Luigi Capone, better known on the Predator Poachers' Locals as Pussy Liquor 69. This man had a relationship with another member and when things didn't go his way, he decided to post revenge porn on the Predator Poachers' Locals, for which Alex Rosen banned him. Then Luigi came over to my server to try and solicit sympathy and when he was met with criticism, he resorted to harassing another member. Earlier I received a warning from Discord that harmful material or NSFW images were sent in the server but were blocked by the auto moderator bot that I set up. Luigi's odd obsession with women and soliciting sympathy for receiving backlash caused by his own disgusting actions resorted in him being doxed. I don't not allow doxing of individuals for disagreeing with people or practicing their freedom of speech, however, I will make an exception for those that cross a grey area of legality in that state of which they ...

Mother handed 21 LIFE SENTENCES for producing CP with her kids.

The only thing missing in this case is chemical casteration.

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