Predator Poachers
We save kids
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About Doxxing Livestreams.

To the doxxers:

ANY instance of sharing contact information; including but not limited to; phone numbers (even if they’re fake), addresses, OR social media profiles belonging to ANYONE in live chats or comment sections SHALL result in a permanent ban, without warning. No questions asked, zero tolerance.

If at any time during a livestream, people spam call the workplaces of these pedos mid catch, the livestreams WILL be ended, and if we find out who specifically called, you will be banned as well, even if you didn’t dox in chat.

We don’t tolerate doxing for 2 reasons

1. It puts EVERYONE in physical danger
2. It ➡️WILL⬅️ ruin the catch completely. (As it has before)

If any physical harm comes to ANYONE in a livestream as a result of your doxxing and spam calling behavior, we WILL co-operate with law enforcement to have your ass charged if worst comes to worse.


It’s a ➡️Privilege⬅️ to enjoy livestreams, we could limit our locals to Videos ONLY, but we add livestreams as bonus content because we want our community to come together to mock the shit out of these drakes. Streams are fun, but they are a blessing, and blessings can be taken away.

Don’t ruin it for everyone else because you can’t keep your Justice-boners in your pants.

We make mistakes at times during the streams where the pred’s info isn’t muted, and as a result we all hear it, and that’s because one of the team members are on the phone with cops and can’t listen to Alex speaking at the same time to mute the mic.

But that is NO REASON for you to make livestreams about you, unless you want to get caught sexting minors and thrown in jail by us, don’t try to be on our streams.

To our Real Supporters❤️:

We’re sorry that your experiences have been affected by these people’s actions, as stated above, we will enforce these rules with a heavy hand to make sure nobody forces our hand to end the livestreams.

We HATE ending streams early for any reason, we’re always working to improve our gear to bring better quality content for all of you to enjoy, and part of improving is enforcing rules.

If you see any doxxing, in chat or comments, type !MODS or @ a team member in chat and one of us will remove the message and have the offender banned as soon as possible.

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Buenos noches on the job

The mexicans are fast asleep on the way to the aquatic capital of the world, flint.


375 for 8 ik it’s bitch weight but 1am. Ments


I never forget!!

post photo preview

Steven demart, the elementary school teacher has officially been CHARGED. Though his chats over the course of a year were too careful to be anything other than a misdemeanor in new york, he is atleast knocked out of teaching.
His video here:

12 hours ago

🚨 2 more days and 2-3 catches left on this road trip.

⏰️ Live catch on Rumble tomorrow at 2 PM EST in Springfield, Missouri.

Then they're off to Arkansas and then back home.

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