Predator Poachers
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Infant Loving Sex Offender Thinks Hes Selling Me a Car But Gets Busted Instead (San Angelo, Texas)
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April 20, 2024
one of my favorite calls 😂😭

This guy was so funny to mess with. He was so abusive. This call I just decided to pick a fight with him lmao. He was the biggest wuss when Alex confronted him though 😭💀 “GUY” from Florida 😂 he thought we wouldn’t find him either

This catch:

Calls to the babysitter sex offender

I called as the cousin to calm him down.
See his live catch here:

April 17, 2024
Dave & arby voice memo’s 😂

I said I found the voice memo’s. Lmao this went on for like 15 min at 3am. For context, this was after Arby’s “friend” at school called Dave and they went back and forth arguing over her. Dave was so unhinged 😂 made me so angry for real. 😮‍💨😂 at 3am is crazy.


Nathan perkins, the pedo from last night that i tagged along with @Boots0904 to catch was arrested on the spot! Heres his mugshot. The live catch is here on the bikers against predators facebook page:

If you do not have or want facebook, i will have my iphone footage and audio of the catch up for locals within 2 days.

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The actual new Rachel/william call drop 👀

My bad guys, that last call was already released. Let’s try this again:

Get In here... New Rachel/William Jail Phone Calls Just Dropped!
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