Predator Poachers
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Live Streamed on January 22, 2024 4:06 PM ET
January 22, 2024
Live confrontation

Should be working now

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6 Hours Before We Caught Him.. (Epiphany, South Dakota)

Little behind the scenes. This was around noon, the day we caught Tony Letcher, the pedo who went adios. We wanted to get him then but he wasn't home.

This is what happens when we go live and say "we're hopefully about to catch ________" then end up not going live. Sometimes, they aren't home, and if we have limited info on them (like we did with letcher's employment) we try to track them down.

This is when we made contact with him later that evening:


405 for 9 and a half el oh el. Cya in Washington around 1pm pacific


Just got home, will have the rest of the catches uploaded for yall tomorrow! Theres a glitch happening on what seems to be the app where supporters are locked out of the content. In the meantime, use the browser to view the content rather than the app.

Anyone having issues (thats a paying supporter) please text me 8327236937 with screenshots! Thank you!

July 25, 2024
South Dakota Pred

Once we send in the call, I’ll post the decoy call with Tony. I will say Alex got him to talk a lot, because with my decoy the call was the only real evidence of him being involved in cp. He wasn’t really sexual, besides some aggression to my decoy for getting nudes. However, I did get his phone number after some convincing and that’s how we found his addy. When I can I’ll post the call on the decoy channel.

For anyone asking, no I do not feel bad. He’s responsible for his own actions.
Good riddance pedo. :)

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Ok PPoarchers Family. It's time to give a heartfelt welcome to a boatload of new Membairs! We are so happy Ya'll have chosen to support Alex and the team. Alex has said many times, they could not do this without all of us. We are all here for one purpose, saving/protecting children.
They say "it takes a village to raise a child" ...I say "It takes an ARMY to keep them protected and safe." Thank you for joining our Army, we are strong together. Bless you all. Enjoy a hug on me!

@JC1722 @Kpete2 @Tdawg11 @Wbandyjr74 @PanchoPete @Gladiator24 @tag1292 @Quackers7 @YearofHell @SixTaps @FreshhRaZZBerry @saltcity666 @bootayame @sportingbob @CrowProductions @KEGS1207 @Bigmomma13 @pptptppt @KingBallard @Berto3311 @Osobearman @Jscott44 @di0rdash @Starr48 @Elevated1 @hurst717 @MaverickTKE @Earthbound420 @Khrs @Getrealplz @GSS1125 @TT1981 @devthedev @d-kole @hdhfdhu229 @Allis09 @jmarcdeer @Connorhirsch @cosmic_chata @PoorPhD @ruhhroh @DavidWavid @Mrorjan @nmcrcarly @Tiabia_34 @JohnWonner ...

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