Big trip starts tomorrow, and we'll be back home on the 15th of February.
We have 2 states coming up where we DON'T have arrests in yet, so this should be interesting.
And as for the not so good news, looks like the Hilo pred WILL NOT be charged, as he deleted the telegram messages, and those are unrecoverable, since he made the chat encrypted, and Telegram does not respond to police subpoenas. We did save them, and took pictures of them, but it looks like they need access to the original messages digitally, which are simply not possible to get since he wiped them. However, the video is being sent with his admission to possessing child porn. So never say never. The detective agrees he's a predator, and they have a file on him now. Hopefully when he sees the video action will be taken on his devices, as he admitted to having it saved.
PP long Island just did their 2nd catch!
Go sub to their youtube. This is an unlisted link linked only for yall on locals atm.
More charges will inevitably be added. His live catch here: