Predator Poachers
We save kids
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@ppoachers One of the reasons I am here and happy to pay a membership fee is because Alex does not engage in online "panel community" BULLSHIT. I hear others crying about "for the kids" while spending hours online arguing with people about shit that has NOTHING to do with saving kids. IMO, they are more for their own ego, their internet fame and the accolades they get from internet fans. To Alex, thank you for respecting the job you do. Thank you for your focus and drive. Thank you for having integrity for yourself, your crew and for your membairs! When the others eventually fizzle out and fall apart, you my Friend will still stand, protecting kids. And WE will still be here!

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Buenos noches on the job

The mexicans are fast asleep on the way to the aquatic capital of the world, flint.


375 for 8 ik it’s bitch weight but 1am. Ments


I never forget!!


Nate wasnt happy about us catching his boyfriend, michael knaapen.

post photo preview

While, we are waiting..David Dunn from Chesterfield,VA was sentenced yesterday. I called the Circuit Court today. They said his sentence record will be updated by tomorrow..which usually means by the end of the week. Could have been just me..but the clerk that answered the phone almost knew of whom,. I was asking about lol. Could kinda hear her smiling through the phone. I will email Alex the record first so he can announce..unless he gets an email first etc.
So many of these degenerates.Hard to keep up with them..I encourage you all to keep up with the ones that interest you or your own state. So, hopefully when is all said and done...we can have a catalog for us and the team to reference and look back on..I know.I'm such a Mama😂 Shut up Nate!.Wait? 😂
P.S. For the newbies. keeps up with some of Alex's catches too. Does a great job with an overview. Check that out too.

What can I women like keeping records😂

Mainstream media finally picking up the story. Meanwhile Maryland dems are downplaying the pred’s position in their party.

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